Vision & Governance Board Officers
President: John Pignatello,
Vice President: Kelly Brooks,
Past President: Linda Herman
Treasurer: Ruth Hedman,
Ministry Areas:
Worship & Music: Micki Kruse
Youth & Young Adults: Zach Rau
Education: Nan Knutsen
Hope in the World: TBD
Relational Ministries: Tomi McLellan
Leadership Development & Communications: Linda Herman and John Pignatello
Board Secretary: Karen Jorstad
Member Resources
- To access ICON CMO Church Software, Church Directory and Contributions; Click Here to Login.
- If you are serving as a worship assistant, you can find more information on the worship leaders’ page.
- If you are looking for information regarding a parishioner, email
- If you would like to read through the current congregational bylaws you may CLICK HERE
- Click Here for download a copy of the expense reimbursement form.