Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry in 2024
We will gather from 9:45-10:15am on Sunday mornings (prior to worship) for a time of check-ins, Bible study, and games. All kids grades PreK-6th are invited to join in. You can find the link to these Zoom Sunday School classes on the Thursday Epistle, University Lutheran Church of Hope’s weekly newsletter.
Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry at ULCH.
Discover God alive and active in our lives as we listen, learn and explore together! The Sunday School year opens in September 2023.
Children’s Ministry follows a simple rotation that allows us to explore God’s Word in a number of engaging and exciting ways. Each month we’ll focus on one story, but we’ll tell it differently each Sunday; through storytelling, music, art, and community building.
If your passions and talents intersect with one of our rotation offerings, please consider sharing them with the children at ULCH as a leader or assistant with Children’s Faith Formation. Contact Pastor Maria Anderson-Lippert for more information.

1st Sunday of the Month
Story Time: On the first Sunday of the month we’ll introduce our focus text for the month. The younger kids will explore the story through Godly Play, and the older kids will read from the Spark Bible and challenge each other to think about what God’s Word is saying to us today.

2nd Sunday of the Month
Let’s Play a Song: On the second Sunday of the month we’ll sing, we’ll learn to play new instruments, and we’ll move our bodies to the beat. We’ll explore the ways in which music can connect us to God’s Word and to one another, and how we can make music part of our regular spiritual practice.

3rd Sunday of the Month
Art Expression: On the third Sunday of the month we’ll explore our focus text through artistic expression, creating and collaborating with paint, paper, clay, ribbon, and other mediums to encounter God’s Word with fresh eyes. We’ll think about the ways in which art can become part of our regular spiritual practice.

4th Sunday of the Month
Community Day: On the fourth Sunday of the Month we’ll make breakfast together, give thanks for God’s Word and activity, and spend some time just BE-ING together. This is an opportunity for parents, grandparents, guardians, and others to join us in building community. We’ll hear a dramatic re-telling of our focus text and think about the ways we can keep exploring God’s Word together at home.

5th Sunday of the Month
Wild Card: When there is a fifth Sunday of the month we’ll explore some fun ways to engage God’s Word and think about our leadership as Christians. We may spend the morning exploring the outdoors and reveling in Creation, we may learn about Liturgical worship, or even learn to express ourselves through dance! Keep an eye on the schedule posted on the Children’s Faith Formation Bulletin Board for updates.
Ministry for families with children ages birth to three
Nursery: The nursery is a safe, caring place for children. A paid attendant supervises the children during the 10 am worship service in the summer and from 8:30—11:30 a.m. each Sunday from September – May.
Baptism classes are held for parents of children who are to be baptized. To arrange for a baptism please contact the church office at 612-331-5988. Baptisms are conducted during worship on Sunday mornings.
Values of the faith formation program at University Lutheran Church of Hope.
We are thoughtful believers dedicated to faith formation and mindful inquiry, expanding our understanding of how God is at work in our lives. Come and explore your questions in a caring community.
Where there is hope, there is life.
Our Goal: That our Christian community will nurture faith by
- Building caring relationships
- Focusing on interests, not ages
- Celebrating diversity
- Welcoming children in worship
- Emphasizing service and social justice
- Promoting a sense of wonder and love for the God we worship
Our theology of faith formation for all ages
We believe that all ages need a faith community which
- affirms promises made in baptism
- sparks a desire to learn about God’s Word
- inspires a thankful heart
- energizes us to serve
- develops positive, trusting relationships with God and each other
- encourages questions